As mentioned above in the article, almost any fictional work set in Ancient Rome will invariably cast British actors as Romans.Yellowface: Pretending to be of East Asian ethnicity.Fauxreigner: When a character tries to fake their nationality in-universe.Fake Russian: Pretending to be from Russia (or some other ex-Soviet nation).Fake Mixed Race: Pretending to belong to more than one ethnicity.Fake Irish: Pretending to be from Ireland.Fake Scot: Pretending to be from Scotland.Fake Brit: Pretending to be from Britain (or more specifically England).
Fake Australian: Pretending to be from Australia. Fake American: Pretending to be from the United States. Brownface: Pretending to be of Ambiguously Brown ethnicity. Blackface: Pretending to be of Black African ethnicity. See Pass Fail when, for whatever reason, the actor isn't convincing as another nationality. When done poorly, it can result in WTH, Casting Agency?. As a result when playing a historical character the foreigner might have been selected because they greatly resembled the original.Īn actor who often does this well Plays Great Ethnics. An added complication is that human appearance varies even within nationalities and ethnicities. Where are they supposed to be from?" On the other hand, some actors are really good at it. If you are actually from the area in question, you may remember one or more of these examples as "That foreigner with a strange accent. See also: Fauxreigner where the character is pretending to be a nationality they aren't (or acting more stereotypical than they actually usually do). The Queen's Latin is a related trope where characters in Ancient Grome or other classical-to-medieval settings are usually played by Brits, no matter what part of Europe they're actually from. This is much more common in voice-acting because the actor's appearance is irrelevant, and a good voice actor can hide their accent or imitate well a foreign one. For foreign actors who are frequently employed to play foreign characters, see Plays Great Ethnics. And very few Russian characters during the Cold War were played by native Russians. Gung-ho movies made during World War II featured every kind of Asian except Japanese, since the Japanese-American actors were otherwise occupied. Israeli Jewish and Arab actors tend to wind up playing each other quite frequently (though Israeli-for-Arab is more common than the other way around). Nowadays can be known as Colorblind Casting. Not counting those actors who play an extraterrestrial, who are never from the same place as their character.
When an actor plays a native of a nationality or area other than their own.